Monday, July 30, 2012

Physio for SKMM Sport

14 Julai 2012, Jd physio tuk Sport SKMM kat putrajaya... ni pun g ngan naim, ain, tiqa under MSN selangor.. ok la tu, ada gk wat kija skit.. Cash $100 sehari, sapa xnk....
ktrg jd medical center tuk Volleyball and Takraw.. Suma geng2 Media Prima, Celcom, DIGI, Maxis, PIwimax, and byk la line2 communication yg ada....
adoii... xda plk tv yg dtg.. klu x.. interframe lg ktrg.. ahahahahha

Shileen Paul, Bos Hot Fm tu dtg last minute men volleyball.. huaa.. terer gak.. ak plak tgu c shileen ni injured... ahahah... tp dia xgak injured2, klu x.. merasa la dia physio ak... cewaahh

panas and borink gak time tu.. xda org in injured.. ptg tu bru ada sorg.. cramp je... pastu bleeding2 skit... ermm.. cam dtg mkn gaji buta plak.. anyway, alhamdullilah.. ok la , nex time dh kenal ble jemput lg... huhu

Burger Bakar SEDAP....

Dah lama actually g mkn ni.. tp bru UPDATE!!!>>> 19 july 2012...
ahahaha... dh lama sgt ngidam mkn burger bakar ni, planing nk mkn Yazid Burger kt Sek 2 blkng UNISEL tu, tp rmi sgt.. mber plak xnk tgu lama2.. aiyaa... so bergegas la ke KL cari burgger Bakar ni.... Kat WangsaMAju, Seksyen 2.. kedai dia tepi2 jalan je.. ngam2 kat dpan Carrefour... otw nk g KL tu, JPJ wat roadblock plak... hbs keta2 yg tinted kena!!... seb bek la.. alhamdullilah, keta ktrtg xkena... xtau napa xkena... cz kena ktrg ni mmg la TINTED gler gak... turun kan dua2 cermin, wat muka Comel... OK>>>!! LEPAS!!>>. ahahahah.. SELAMAT>>>

KLCC $18, with cheese xtra $2

Bugumbira $ 8 xtra cheese $1

mmg puas hati la mkn burgger ni.. daging dia tbal.. lembut .... klu ak btul2 lapar, mmg nk je order 2x.. kakaa....

we been BARRARIZED>>>

Setelah lama sgt xjumpa kawan2 shah alam.. ak pn dh mve shah alam secara rasni nya.. smpi bila pn xtau la.. tp maybe cam lama plak ak stay kt cna.. kira rumah ke-2 ak smpi dpt permanent job ni... bln ni xda job , dpt offer ada... bkn xble nk xdpt.. jz kena tgu reslut kuar gak.. adoyaii...

Mlm tu kuar ngn kwn, mkn mlm saja.. and rezeki kami la.. Kedai mkn BELANJA MAKAN... hurayyyyy!! bes2...

Kat Kedai BARRA, Sekyen 7, pusat komersial..

ni nasi goreng USA.. xtau la apa motif dia letak telur love2 tu... yakksss

Friday, July 6, 2012

sHorT Trip To Alor Staq...... >>>

4hb lepas jurney to alor staq plak.. singah umah kawan2.. kali ni umah hanis... apa lagi call la mmber sg petani... alip and hasni.. Ok, ngam2 plak drg free.. apa lg.. unplanned lagi... berjalan la area cna..

Sampi je pagi tu kt, rehat jap.. kul9 alip and hasni dtg.. trus gerak g jln.. first g muzium padi... hnis la yg kenal kan..

ni area kat puncak la kunun2... xda pa2 pn.. igt pemandangan real.. rupanya just lukisan semata-mata...

ahhahahahaa.... pendek nya hasni

Lepas dari muzium tu, unplanned lagi.. ktrg g la perlis, padang besar.. dh lama ak nk g ni.. tp xda kesempatan lg... smpi cna.. seb bek ak xdala nk shuping sgt... xkeje lg kan.. rlax dlu, dh keje bru ble sakan2 semula.. time tu hujan, so, perjalanan tu agk limited skit.. jln mna yg mampu je la ni

Penang sentral, Btwh

after that, balik umah la.. mlm ak stdy skit.. esok dia ada interview kat kepala batas.. interview kijo.. insyaAllah... 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bisnes Card..... not establish Yet......

Finally, ak pn xda kerja nk wat.. amik ilham dari card mber.... amik idea cna cni.. sehari ak siapkan and cari idea.. tp xdala OK... just FINE sj....

Ada la a few cth2 ni.. tp xsure bila nk guna kan...  xgrade lg ni... kena tgu la pemprosesan nya.. hahahaha...
nway... vote la mna2 pn.... coment la apa2.... ada masa lg nk ubah ni =P

Monday, July 2, 2012

Scandal Make Us more Matured in relationShip.......

Seriusly, bkn nk suh pasang byk2.. juz, JANGAN CURANG la.. ada scandal @ kawan rahsia bkn bermaksud CURANG... Curang means = bila kita ada husband/wife/boyfie/gilfie, then ada 'kawan' lain.. then 'kawan' lain tu actually dah tau relationship status kita.. and dia pn paham condition kita kan.. Maybe nk cari tempat tuk hepi2, tuk sj berstori2... But be carefull , jgn tersangkut plak

Kena la peraturan2 nya, bila dua2 pihak pndai jaga tingkah laku and careful... xda masalah tuk berkawan.... Yang jadi msalah tu bila.... Satu pihak dh ada comitment, then satu pihak lagi cuba dgn SENGAJA tuk SEMBUNYIKAN RELATIONSHIP yg sedia ada... tu baru makna nya CURANG... and hal2 yg cenggini la kita ptt buang and hindar.. PHM>>>

Tuk pasangan yg bercintan cintun tu, scandal bkn bermaksud kita xjujur, jz kita nk rapatkan lagi relationship kita ngn partner kita... jika btul la dia jodoh kita, Allah akan rapatkan and lembutkan hati dia tuk kita.. Walau byk masalah sekali pn...

Tp klu dia bkn jodoh kita, even dh bertahun2 lama nya.. Dia bkn tuk kita jgk.. Clash sambung, clash sambung.. adoii.. Penat.>>>
 Even kita xcurang pn, cuba bersikap baik.. For me, as long kita jujur and ikhlas on relationship.. Its OK ..... 

Klu dh ada awek/pkwe/husband/wife >> bgtau je... Jujur lg penting dalam persahabatan dari menipu di belakang... its suck ATTITUDE.. Klu org tu xnk kawan, xpala.. Klu dia nk kawan, means dia ikhlas nk jadi kawan kita... Oraite...


SeRINGGIT>>>> ada apa dlm seringgit?

hokeyy... lets story satu cter bes.. ak and kawan2 mmg rasa bes and excited la.. akakak... Kenakalan kami bermula time open day airforce tu.. mber balik kedah, so keta tgal kampus.. mgu tu lak dh last kan, so kenala beli hadiah tuk department and Ci.... bila balik dr subang tu, mula la "kenakalan" kami.. men *wink... *wink.. kt org.. tp ak skit je.. org belakang ak yg lebeih2...

Bila smpi jln kt subang - damansara- sg buloh.. ada keta MyVi kaler green2 skit men2 lumba2 keta ngan ktrg.. ktrg pnyer keta ni kancil je.. tp tgk la sapa driver dia.. driver dia bw cam bw ferrari gak...ahahahah.. then aksi lumba2 tu berlanjutan smpi ke traffic light ke airport Firefly tu... ble plak mber ak kt belakang ni lambai2 geng2 myVi tu... adoyaiii... ak senyum2 je.. dia plak lambai...

Apa2 lagi, bila time traffic light tu, dua2 keta stop.. ak plak dh cuak klu ktrg ni mmg satu jln or dia follow ktrg.. tp tak.. sesuatu kejadian yg xdisangka.. bdak yg sebelah driver tu turun keta kat tengah2 traffic light, yg belkang tu keta berderet nk tgu green light..... Bdak tu turun then ketuk2 cermin ktrg, ak sebenarnya dh cuak..

Mber ak bg trun skit tingkap tu.. dia lempar duit seringgit.... ahahahah... dalam duit seringgit tu ada NO TELEFON... perghh... Berani gler bdak seringgit ni, mmg berani la... xsangka... ktrg suma dh tersentak and sgt2 admire bdak tu.. sbb sgt2 menggangumkan cara dia nk bg ahahaha....

balik tu, xdala trus kol.. ak pki no maxis tuk kacau dia... then, mula persahabatan kt situ... xjumpa lagi smpi skrg.. slu calling2 je...

Moral of the story... Keberanian dia buat kmi suma sgt2 kagum and tercabar gak.. xtau nk ckp apa lgi...

>> Credit to duit seringgit malaysia...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ohhh My Thesis.....

Finally.... Finish my research for Degree... Wlalaupun buat ntah apa2 kan.. at least dah siap suma.. Present pn dah.. mmg kena kaw2 la time present tu... Examiner tu xtau nk tnya apa, dia tnya psl inclusion criteria plak... aahhaa... ak ni pn, men bantai je..

By : Nurhazalina Bt Rosley, PT

Objectives: To identify current treatment approaches for stroke patient by physiotherapist in    Klang Valley and to determine factors that influences physiotherapist’s preference for practicing certain treatment approach to treat stroke patient.

Study Design: This study used a Cross Sectional Study.

Background: Rehabilitation is necessary to optimize functional recovery in the remainder (Rymer, M. M. and D. E. Thrutchley, 2005). Stroke occurs when there is the rapidly developing loss of braifunctions due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can be due to ischemia which is the lack of blood flow that is caused by blockage from thrombosis or due to arterial embolism, or a hemorrhage. As a result, the affected area of the brain is unable to function, leading to inability to move one or more limbs on one side of the body, inability to understand or formulate speech, or an inability to see one side of the visual field. Strokes can be classified into two major categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are those that are caused by interruption of the blood supply, while hemorrhagic strokes are the ones which result from rupture of a blood vessel or an abnormal vascular structure.

Methodology: Sixty physiotherapists from Hospital in Klang Valley. They must experience in treating stroke patients at least more than one year and be able to read and understanding English language. Questionnaire will distribute to them and answers all the questionnaire.

Results: From the result, it was found that 92 % PNF approach are the most popular treatment approach use by clinicians for stroke rehabilitation in Malaysia. Followed by Bobath approach 88%, MRP 80% and only 2% used others approach. Majority of the physiotherapist in Malaysia 100% agreed on main the aims of treatment for impairment is to re-educate normal movement. about the aim of treatment to pertaining tone. They is 93.3 %agreed that inhibition of spasticity does not necessary result in movement, it need to be facilitated.

Conclusion: Physiotherapy interventions are integrated into a continuous and cyclic process. This process involves the identifications problems and needs, the relation of the problems to relevant factors of the person, definition of goals, planning of interventions and assessment of the effects. One approach is to relate them to their individual goals. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) may provide a framework and classification for such a standardized documentation

KEYWORDS: physiotherapy, intervention, stroke, rehabilitation

Tamat la segalanya.... my 4 years degree..

Steamboat Shah Alam... Segi Seri .. Seksyen 23

Alhamdulillah... Dah hbs suma azab2 stdy degree.. tgu nk amik scroll je... InsyaAllah... by the way... hbs suma ni.. CI (clinical instructor) ktrg En Hazman.. belanja mkn geng2 sg buloh... yahuuuu... bes2.... Ramai gak la yg pergi.. dlm 13 org.. perghhh.. cian kt hazman... makan blja manyak ktrg ni...

Apa pn terima kasih belanja and mengenali ktrg yg nakal ni... Ktrg ni pn ble tahan gk kaki cari stemboat... besa g Liki- Liki, Flaming, Seoul Garden.. Kali ni rasa kt Segi Seri plak... Kt cni, RM 27.90 (adult) xtermasuk air.. air byr asing2... Konsep dia ble tahan la, and lain dari yg lain... Ada BBQ area, ada bakar2 area, aiskrim, dll..............

ni choice tuk steamboat pnyerr.. tp xbyk sgt pilihan.. tp ok la..

Ok, ni bakar sendri satay tau

 Ni area tuk BBQ.. mcm2 ble wat... Fries... or goreng2 seafood

Landmark >> otw nk g uptown seksyn 24 tu.. roundabout dia.. amik kul 9... ada byk kedai2.. dia area2 kedai belakang...